We have bought the recommended adhesive for the parquet floor, a cold bitumen that you simply dip the tile in and stick down, you don't have to scrape of the old bitumen, however as previously stated the Oak floor was definitely laid on a less than even floor, the old bitumen ranged from 0mm to 10mm, you don't need to be Einstein to work out it is not going to lay even hence the chimney sweep impression and alot of time scraping the old bitumen, well worth it in the end, we have laid the floor out dry to see exactly what we have, we know we are going to have to mix the Oak tiles with the Mahogany tiles.
Unfortunately there was not enough Oak Parquet to fill the whole of the bottom floor section, we would have had to mix Oak and Mahogany, we decided that the herringbone as nice as it is separately looked to busy set against the two floor sections above, we are now laying
the Mahogany parquet in a brick style.