Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Bespoke Furniture

Now we have the interior under control it is time to start thinking about the rest of the furniture for the boat, the hallway floor has been taken up, Teak which will be resized and made into beds, the fitted wardrobes will be made from various parts of the boat, they are being painted white as there is alot of wood in the bedrooms to break it up the inner skin behind the beds will be painted a colour probably a lead colour, the beds will be modelled on the captain's bed in the wheel house a king size in the main bedroom and a single in Finley's room.

Bed side cabinet idea.

The wine boxes bought at the farmers auction are going to be drawers in two bed side cabinets, the carcass will be made from 3/4 "  ply.

First one made, look good just need to age the plyboard carcass.

Beds modelled on the Wheel house bed

Bespoke furniture by Messenger Bespoke Joinery and Furniture makers.

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