Now all the pine planks covering the inner skin have been removed we set about removing the inner in order to damp proof and let her breath get rid of any trapped moisture, as previously stated we are damp proofing the whole boat, having seen first hand the damage caused by the rain fall from above it was a no brainer.
Where the planks are damp the nails are fixed rock solid, it is easier to using a saw with the blade cut down, precautionery measure we are working near the outer skin, so we don't want any mishaps, easily done, and remove in small sections, bag up as we go and in no time we have removed the rest of the inner skin, we have also done an exploratory on the engine room wall and the damage seems to be to the left of the engie room door as you look at it, we will still be removing the left hand side.
Both bedrooms clear.
The above photo is the exposed wall, you can just see what looks like a scaffold pole which runs the telecoms cables from the engine room to the kitchen and the bolts holding her together. While charging the batteries I ordered a few bits we needed one being a rust treatment called Vactan, a product recommended to me by a few people on the marina the plan being angle grind of the old paint and bolts and then treat the bolts and pole, if the pole is too far gone we will treat it and cover it up.
sanded not treated
Wood wire brushed, to get rid of any rot, and rust treated, could not be more pleased.
Dividing wall view, big difference going to look good, highly recommended Vactan, best prices on 5ltr bottles on Ebay.

While we have the inner skin it has been a perfect opportunity to get rid of any build up from 1971 until now between the beams and the inner skin, once ageain Screwfix and a Titan 40 ltr wet and dry vac, I didn't take pictures as I went along, as you can imagine it was not the cleanest of jobs, get a box of latex gloves if you are ever in this position is my advice, not nice but a good feeling when you know it is done, the vacum has a blow function when it gets blocked take the hose out and put in the blower and push the blockage out into a rubble sack hold the bag to the nozzle tight, the outside is being caulked and painted starting tomorrow so when the damp proof and new inner skin go on she should be more than good for a number of years to come, the electrical cables you can see will run along the beam in round metal conduit and boxes.
A good few days.
We attempted to take out the welded door but it is pinned from underneath so we are are going to clear a bit more and take it out when we have a few more hands, heavy is not the word.
After a clear up, wood treated all main beams cleared, we are back to some resemblance of order.